Signs of the onset of AIDS
- Weight loss and general debility.
- There may also be swollen glands in the groin, neck and armpits; cold sores and other skin disorders.
- Thrush
- As the disease progresses patients may suffer from pneumonia, malnutrition and various cancers - typically large purplish blotches on the skin called Kaposi's sarcoma.
- Patients often suffer from serious malnutrition. Sound nutrition at the onset of the disease to build up body weight and boost the immune system is now recommended.
Deficiencies in certain nutrients, notably vitamins A, B6, B12 and zinc, which are known to impair immune function are often apparent at the time of an HIV-positive diagnosis. A diet which includes:
- Fish, liver, full-fat milk and other dairy products will boost the intake of all of these nutrients.
- Vitamin B12 is found in animal produce and fortified foods, and wholegrain bread and nuts provide both vitamin B6 and zinc.
- Fats should come mainly from vegetable oils and dairy produce, to ensure adequate supplies of vitamins A, D, E and K.
What to do?
- Avoid undercooked and unwashed foods, raw or lightly cooked eggs, meat pates, and unpasteurized dairy products.
Rekindling a lost appetite
If people with AIDS cannot face three large meals, they should try:
- Eating six smaller meals.
- Taking a high-calorie drink half-an-hour after eating.
- Snacking on nuts and seeds - such as pumpkin seeds - for their calories, vitamins and minerals.
When suffering from nausea, patients should avoid:
- Greasy or spicy foods.
- Acidic drinks.
Plants that helps
Plants that have shown some potential in fighting HIV include hyssop, silver birch and winter savory. Echinacea and liquorice stimulate the immune system. Rosemary helps to fight fatigue. Garlic and oregano may be helpful in treating recurrent infections.
Source : Readers Digest
Source : Readers Digest
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